Accreditation of our environmental laboratory
ISO 17025-accredited testing laboratory
Sebert Trillingstechniek is accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA).
The RVA is part of the European Accreditation (EA). EA is affiliated with ILAC as a Recognized Regional Cooperation Body. The RvA is a full member of ILAC:
Testing at an ISO 17025 accredited test laboratory makes it possible for ILAC accredited tests to be recognized and accepted worldwide. This recognition is not possible when the tests have been carried out at an ISO 9001 or ISTA test laboratory.
The technical part of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard relates to the use of qualified and experienced personnel. All test equipment is calibrated and checked according to the ISO/IEC 17025. Validated methods for performing tests and recording and reporting results are also used. As a result, a great reliability of testing is obtained in an independent, professional and objective manner. On top of that, the quality of the test results is reliably high.
Our current scope is mentioned on the website of the Dutch Accreditation Council. See (Scope registration number L540)
The added value of the ILAC•MRA logo on your report?
We are regularly asked what the added value is of mentioning the ILAC•MRA logo on our reports. ILAC stands for International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. The European Union (EU) enters into mutual recognition agreements with different countries (Mutual Recognition Agreement = MRA). This means that these countries must accept each other's products.
If you choose our accredited laboratory for a test report or certificate, then it is marked with the ILAC•MRA logo. The report will then be accepted by all participating countries of the EU, but also by the United States, Japan, Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand and Switzerland.
In this way, the free trade goal of "a tested product is accepted everywhere" is reached without having to re-test in each new country. This allows a uniform tested product across the world.
ISO 17025 - Accreditatie verklaring - L540